Monday 27 June 2011

The original peoples of Miri ( The Miriek People)

@ Hawaii Beach, Miri - Sarawak, Malaysia
Photo: Hawaii Beach Miri

Miriek are very different from Daleik and most people nowadays confuse between the two.
The Miriek were originally interior people of the Miri River ( Likoh Miraik), Padang Liku and Sg. Taniku area. They were forced into a coastal habitat as a result of the downriver expansion of the Kayan around 180 years ago. The original Miriek culture and language are almost extinct to the point that most miriek prefer to be known as malay and discard their ethnicity. In 1977 the Miriek speakers population are estimated around 2500 persons and sadly this numbers are decreasing quickly.

The Miriek originally were divided into two main group. This division is of no significance today. The first group were called Miriek Bahut ( Original Miriek) and the other were known as Miriek Permaisuri. The Miriek Permaisuri were the followers of a celebes-born queen ( malay: Permaisuri) and her son Tahir, who married a local woman named Timah.

There is also an oral tradition surrounding two heroic leaders of both miriek bahut and permaisuri called Deng and Sureng. They plotted to make their son the leaders of all Miri.The descendants of Miriek Permaisuri mostly live in nowadays Kpg. Wireless meanwhile the Miriek bahut still until today live around these area:

Current Name/ Original name:
Pujut= Unan
Kpg. Pujut Seberang = Kappong Unan pait dipar
Pujut Pdg. Kerbau= Kappong Unan Hadeng Kerbew
Kpg. Pangkalan Lutong = Kappong Song Lutong
Kpg. Bekam = Kappong Bekam Laut
Pujut Adong = Kappong Adu
Lopeng= Luheing
Sg. Miri = Likoh Miraik

Friday 4 February 2011

Lesson 1: Greetings in Miriek

Today we are going to learn simple, and easy greetings in Miriek.

How are you?- Upaih kabal au?

I'm fine- Jék ajék.
I'm not feeling well- Koi o jék nyam.
I have a fever- Koi mahait.
I am sick- Koi sahait

What is your name?- Nyai adén au?
My name is... , - Aden koi...

Who is your friend?- Nyai labayék au?

Whoose son/daughter is this?- Anak nyai yén?

This is my friend. His/Her name is... - Itoi labayék koi. Adén yén...

Oh, I'm sorry I didn't notice you. - Nyum maap. U-oh itan au

It's been a long time since I haven't seen you- Bei ba o-temouh.

Where are you going?- Mayi pah au?

I just came from..- Koi dussuk tad...
I am going to...- Koi mayi gu ....

Where do you come from?- Au dussuk tad pah?

I come from...- Koi dussuk tad...

Where do you live?- Dipah au hegéd?

I live at.. - Koi hegéd gu...
I am living with..- Koi hegéd bayék..
I am renting a ...- Koi siwa...

What are you doing nowadays?- Upaih nidem au assau itoi?

I am working at..- Koi brejéh gu..
I am studying at..- Koi belajél...
I am still hunting for job- Koi asin muso rejéh.
I am doing nothing- U-oh naan upaih-upaih

I need to go now.- Koi awak lahau unnah.

Sorry. I am in a hurry.- Nyum maap. Koi gagew

Monday 31 January 2011


Red Fish Tsukiji Fish Market Tokyo

Hutak (Noun )

Pronounciation: Hu-Ta'

English: fish
Malay: ikan
deutsch: der Fisch

Grammar 1: Penjodoh bilangan Bahasa Miriek


In this first grammar lesson we are going to learn about Miriek Classifiers.Classifiers in general are words or particles used in classifying things and events.In Malay it is called Penjodoh bilangan.

The Miriek Classifier is almost same as Malay Classifier. The selection of classifiers are however similar to the Melanau Classifers.

For example in Malay only one classifier Buah is used for fruits. In Miriek and Melanau there are two classifiers used for fruits.

The standard structure for Miriek Classifier is:

Quantity + Classifier + Noun

List of Miriek Classfier:
Classifier Meaning Usage example
tulloh body

For people setulloh iddéh (one person)
maddik tulloh idéh
(8 persons)
Bungon animal

for animal sebungon awu (one dog)

pat bungon awu(4 dogs)
tulaik seed

object, fruits, grains setulaik tejuk (1 egg)

debéh tulaik tejuk (2 eggs)
lang animal

for marine creature selang hutak
(one fish)

pat lang féyk
(4 Prawns)
batang shaft

for shaft-like object sebatang Ajjuh (1 woodstick)

pat batang Ajjuh
(4 woodsticks)
aok spoon

Spoons measurement seaok gulé
(a spoon of sugar)

pat aok gulé
( 4 spoons of sugar)
irés cuts

for slices seirés a'al
(a slice of chicken)

2 irés hutak
( 2 slices of fish)
tanen bunch

bunches like coconut,banana setanen Butan (a bunch of coconut)

pat tanen butan (4 bunches of coconut)
dahen stalk

stalk of fruits like rambutan, guava sedahen Abas  (a stalk of guavas)

pat dahen Abas (4 stalks of guavas)
ungon seed

for fruits like Pineapples,coconut,

seungon Bason ( a pineapple)

maddik ungon Butan
(4 coconuts)
gunik packet

for packages segunik beréy (a packet of rice)

pat gunik Tepong
(4 packets of flour)
iget ikat

for things that tied up seiget assang béyt
(a bundle of long beans)

pat iget ajjuh
(4 bundles of woods)


my tree at dusk

War ( Noun )

Pronounciation: WaR

English: Tree
Malay: Pokok
deutsch: der Baum

Wednesday 26 January 2011



Hatak (Noun )

Pronounciation: Ha-Ta'

English: Star
Malay: Bintang
deutsch: der Stern



Ukal (Noun )

Pronounciation: U-kal

English: Pillow
Malay: Bantal
deutsch: das Kopfkissen



Likauh (Noun )

Pronounciation: Li-kawuh

English: River
Malay: Sungai
deutsch: der Fluss



Matadalluh (Noun )

Pronounciation: Ma-ta-dal-luh

English: Sun
Malay: Matahari
deutsch: die Sonne



Nyipah (Noun )

Pronounciation: Nyi-paH

English: Snake
Malay: Ular
deutsch: die Schlange


Sand in my hand

Rait (Noun )

Pronounciation: Ra-yit

English: Sand
Malay: Pasir
deutsch: der Sand

Tuesday 25 January 2011



Kalabambang ( Noun )

Pronounciation: Ka-la-bam-bang

English: Butterfly
Malay: Rama-rama
Melanau Mukah: Blebang
deutsch: die Schmertterling

Monday 24 January 2011



Uséng ( Noun)

Pronounciation: U-séng

English: cat
Malay: kucing
deutsch: die Katze


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